Alleluia! Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia!
Praise God with us as we tell the wonder of the Good News that Jesus is Risen!
Today we are blessed to hear a message from our Synod Bishop, S. John Roth. (Pastor Elise works with him in the synod office as the Synod Director of Evangelical Mission.) He will preach on John 20:19-31, where Thomas meets the risen Lord Jesus.
We also are blessed to share the prayers led by our Confirmation Class on Zoom, and readings by Jason Friedlund.
Make ready to share worship with us in your home. Get a bowl and a glass of water to pour as we give thanks for the forgiveness and new life we find in baptism. We are together in faith, even as we worship at a distance for this time. God bless and keep you, and hold you close!