Welcome to worship at Faith Lutheran Church in Washington! We are blessed to have you share with us!
This week we celebrate All Saints Sunday, and light candles to remember loved ones who have died. We will experiment with indoor services this weekend, and the weekend of November 15th. We will see how those go and decide what to do after that. We do this cautiously, because the risk of Covid transmission is greater when we gather indoors.
We will meet at our traditional times on Saturday evening and Sunday morning. Everyone will need to wear masks, sit in household groups and keep their distance. We will not be able to sing or speak together when we are inside. We will close with communion at each service. Our goal is to keep these services safe and short. You can greet each other in the parking lot outside.
Thanks to our worship participants today. We are blessed today to have Joe Durbin as our acolyte and Serena Friedlund as our reader. Sharon Riggins is the organist and the Rothfusz family provides worship music.
Make ready to share worship with us in your home. Light a candle to make a sacred space. Pour a bowl of water as we give thanks for the forgiveness and new life we find in baptism. Get out a Red Book to sing along (Pastor John would be happy to bring you one of these). You are welcome to greet one another on the Faith Lutheran Facebook page if you want to chat together as you worship. We are together in faith, even as we worship at a distance for this time. God bless and keep you, and hold you close!